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<font color='#2E6ED5'>I</font>mageOpt<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>m<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>zer <font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>mage compress<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>on opt<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>m<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>zat<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>on expert tool software
ImageOptimizer image compression optimization expert tool software
$12.8  $ 10.88
<font color='#2E6ED5'>I</font>Auto Profess<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>onal One Stop Draw<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>ng Flowchart Tree Chart M<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>nd Map Tool Software
IAuto Professional One Stop Drawing Flowchart Tree Chart Mind Map Tool Software
$15.84  $ 14.08
<font color='#2E6ED5'>I</font>r<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>s Pro profess<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>onal computer eye protect<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>on and blue l<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>ght protect<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>on v<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>s<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>on health software
Iris Pro professional computer eye protection and blue light protection vision health software
$15.84  $ 9.28
G<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>tLens VS G<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>t Extens<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>on Tool Software
GitLens VS Git Extension Tool Software
$95.04  $ 74.88
B<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>ometr<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>cs for Remote Desktop F<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>ngerpr<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>nt Scanner B<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>ometr<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>c Remote Desktop Software
Biometrics for Remote Desktop Fingerprint Scanner Biometric Remote Desktop Software
$34.4  $ 26.88
M<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>ndMaster Enterpr<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>se Ed<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>t<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>on Y<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>tu Bra<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>n Map M<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>nd Map Software
MindMaster Enterprise Edition Yitu Brain Map Mind Map Software
$172.8  $ 159.68
G<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>tKraken profess<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>onal G<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>t cl<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>ent v<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>sual<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>zat<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>on tool software
GitKraken professional Git client visualization tool software
$95.04  $ 74.88
L<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>qu<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>dF<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>les Large F<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>le Secur<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>ty Transm<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>ss<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>on and Shar<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>ng Tool Software
LiquidFiles Large File Security Transmission and Sharing Tool Software
$150.08  $ 127.68
W<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>reframes for Desktop draft<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>ng tool software
Wireframes for Desktop drafting tool software
$206.4  $ 190.08
M<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>ndMaster Y<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>tu Bra<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>n Map M<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>nd Mapp<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>ng Software
MindMaster Yitu Brain Map Mind Mapping Software
$31.68  $ 28.48
XM<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>nd 8 Pro m<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>nd mapp<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>ng software
XMind 8 Pro mind mapping software
 $ 62.08  $ 63.68
Cl<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>pboardFus<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>on Pro cl<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>pboard synchron<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>zat<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>on management enhancement tool software
ClipboardFusion Pro clipboard synchronization management enhancement tool software
$22.08  $ 10.88
Ser<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>al Port for Remote Desktop COM Red<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>rect Remote Desktop Software
Serial Port for Remote Desktop COM Redirect Remote Desktop Software
$34.24  $ 26.88
Ser<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>al Port Red<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>rector software
Serial Port Redirector software
$34.24  $ 26.88
Nav<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>cat Data Modeler database des<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>gn tool software
Navicat Data Modeler database design tool software
$159.84  $ 142.08
Nav<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>cat Mon<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>tor 3 real-t<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>me database mon<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>tor<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>ng tool software
Navicat Monitor 3 real-time database monitoring tool software
$169.44  $ 159.68
Nav<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>cat B<font color='#2E6ED5'>I</font> data to v<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>sual<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>zat<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>on chart tool software
Navicat BI data to visualization chart tool software
$63.84  $ 57.28
Nav<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>cat On Prem Server <font color='#2E6ED5'>I</font>nternal Deployment Solut<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>on System
Navicat On Prem Server Internal Deployment Solution System
$55.84  $ 47.68
Elt<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>ma Ser<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>al to Ethernet Connector COM Ser<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>al Remote Access Tool Software
Eltima Serial to Ethernet Connector COM Serial Remote Access Tool Software
 $ 1.58
Nav<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>cat Prem<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>um 17 Database Development Tool
Navicat Premium 17 Database Development Tool
$139.04  $ 126.08
Nav<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>cat for SQL<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>te database management and development tool software
Navicat for SQLite database management and development tool software
$95.84  $ 79.68
Nav<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>cat for SQL Server database development tool software
Navicat for SQL Server database development tool software
$255.84  $ 206.08
Nav<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>cat for PostgreSQL graph<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>cal database development tool software
Navicat for PostgreSQL graphical database development tool software
$111.84  $ 94.08
Nav<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>cat for Oracle database data management and development tool software
Navicat for Oracle database data management and development tool software
$255.84  $ 222.08
Nav<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>cat for MongoDB   V<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>sual management and development tool software
Navicat for MongoDB Visual management and development tool software
$111.84  $ 94.08
Nav<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>cat for Mar<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>aDB database management tool software
Navicat for MariaDB database management tool software
$95.84  $ 79.68
Nav<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>cat for MySQL database management and development tool
Navicat for MySQL database management and development tool
$111.84  $ 95.68
Elt<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>ma USB Network Gate 10 Shared USB Dev<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>ce Software
Eltima USB Network Gate 10 Shared USB Device Software
$1119.84  $ 190.08
Flex<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>Hub Team Ed<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>t<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>on USB Dev<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>ce Network Cloud Red<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>rect<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>on Tool Software
FlexiHub Team Edition USB Device Network Cloud Redirection Tool Software
$958.08  $ 831.68
Flex<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>Hub Bus<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>ness Ed<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>t<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>on USB Dev<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>ce Network Cloud Red<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>rect<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>on Tool Software
FlexiHub Business Edition USB Device Network Cloud Redirection Tool Software
$63.68  $ 57.28
Flex<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>Hub Personal USB Dev<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>ce Network Cloud Red<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>rect<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>on Tool Software
FlexiHub Personal USB Device Network Cloud Redirection Tool Software
$204.64  $ 178.88
Subl<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>me Text Text Code Ed<font color='#2E6ED5'>i</font>tor Tool Software
Sublime Text Text Code Editor Tool Software
$95.68  $ 84.48