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Home Overview Files Inspector Pro 3 Disk Space Analysis and Cleaning Tool Software
Files Inspector Pro 3 Disk Space Analysis and Cleaning Tool Software
No. 3212 Scenes
Files Inspector Pro 3 Disk Space Analysis and Cleaning Tool Software
Files Inspector is a tool that helps you easily check data on disk to delete or unload outdated data, freeing up space while improving system performance. In addition, Files Inspector also provides a powerful uninstallation program that can help you completely remove unnecessary software, thereby accelerating system operation. Its concise interface and easy-to-use features make it an essential tool for checking and managing disk data.





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1、Validity period of this price guess 2024-09-08 07:34:00 ~ 2024-09-08 09:34:00。
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Files Inspector is a tool that helps users manage and analyze their files and folders, check data on disk to delete or uninstall outdated data, thereby freeing up space and improving system performance.. It provides various tools and functions to help users organize, search, and clean files.


  • rapid analysis

Provide results shortly after startup. Allow you to evaluate what data is on the disk.

  • visual effect

The analyzer checks the data on the disk and displays the results in a convenient chart to clearly indicate which elements occupy the most disk space on the PC.

  • Provide advanced features for experienced users

Experienced users can flexibly and completely study information about their media and delete unnecessary data.

Quick analysis of user files

Quickly test and analyze folders, documents, images, videos, music, and other files, and display the space occupied on the disk.

Advanced analyzer

For advanced users, the file inspector has an advanced parser that allows you to evaluate the data in all files and folders on existing storage media.

Delete unnecessary data

After finding unnecessary files or folders in the PST of the file inspector's analyzer, you can delete them without using resource managers or other tools to handle the file system.

Delete unnecessary files and folders

When studying the content of a CD, you can delete several unnecessary files and folders in the CPCK to free up space on the media on your computer.

Remove unwanted applications

Removing unnecessary applications is one of the important steps in freeing up disk space. The application can be deleted directly through the file inspector.


The file inspector allows deleting files and folders. To prevent incorrect operations, all deleted items are placed in the recycle bin, where they can be immediately restored.

Lossless Image (JPEG) Compression

To free up additional space, you can compress photos without losing their quantity. This also reduces the space occupied by photos by an average of 10%.

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