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Home Overview Vovsoft Text Edit Plus professional text editor tool software
Vovsoft Text Edit Plus professional text editor tool software
Text Edit Plus is a simple but powerful pure text editor with useful features. It is a lightweight tool that allows users to easily create new text documents or modify existing documents. This software is designed as a replacement for Notepad by providing a wider set of features.

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{{ item.spec }}


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Edit text files to generate fast statistical data

Text Edit Plus is a simple but powerful pure text editor with useful features. It is a lightweight tool that allows users to easily create new text documents or modify existing documents. This application is designed as a replacement for Notepad by providing a wider set of features.

This software is a general-purpose editor that is very useful for anyone who frequently uses text documents. Its analysis module is very useful when fast statistics are needed on text documents. The ability to calculate word frequency allows users to easily detect and quantify duplicates.

Text Edit Plus comes with a clean and simple interface, making it easy for beginners to master. This application can load text files such as TXT, CSV, and HTML. It provides a series of functions for text operations. When small adjustments are needed, many quick editing functions can prove invaluable.

If you are looking for a powerful and easy-to-use text editing application, Text Edit Plus will provide you with the content you need.

Main features

  • Dark mode
  • spelling checker
  • Syntax highlighting
  • PDF export
  • Generate Text Statistics
  • UTF-8 support
  • Change background color and font properties
  • Encoding and decoding text
  • Merge Rows
  • Command system for extracting required text
  • Delete blank lines
  • Delete duplicate rows
  • Filter line
  • Full screen view
  • Generate email and URL list
  • Generate Word List
  • Import Image as Text (ASCII Art)
  • Insert Number
  • Insert text at the beginning or end of a line
  • Lowercase and uppercase conversion
  • Regular expression (Regex)
  • Randomize lines
  • Reverse line
  • Use the Alt key to select columns
  • Sort Rows
  • Division line
  • cutting line
  • Trim Line
  • Unicode detector
  • Fix damaged UTF-8 encoding
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