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Home Overview XunJie OCR text recognition software - premium exclusive lifetime package
XunJie OCR text recognition software - premium exclusive lifetime package
Xunjie OCR text recognition (lifetime) authorization+Xunjie PDF converter (lifetime) authorization+Xunjie PDF editor (lifetime) authorization+Xunjie PDF online converter (3 years) authorization+Office Resource Network (lifetime) authorization

{{ item.spec_option }}

{{ item.spec }}


{{ random.sku_info.price }}

Reference price

Bargaining Rules:
1、本次讨价有效期 2024-09-01 00:00:00 ~ 2024-10-01 00:00:00。
2、This product supports bargaining times for each ID:3 次
3、Each product only supports one successful negotiation, with an additional one for annual membership fees.
4、 After successful negotiation, pay the order according to the negotiated amount.
Reference price: {{ random.sku_info.price }}
The number of bargaining attempts has been exhausted Successfully negotiated! Go place an order! Price negotiation completed I want to negotiate a price
{{ item }} {{ app.qa.questionsData.total }}

Fast OCR text recognition software-Exclusive Value Package

Xunjie OCR text recognition (lifetime) authorization+Xunjie PDF converter (lifetime) authorization+Xunjie PDF editor (lifetime) authorization+Xunjie PDF online converter (3 years) authorization+Office Resource Network (lifetime) authorization

matters needing attention

  1. Users need to fill in the correct phone number. Unregistered users will automatically register their account and activate VIP functions using this phone number; Registered users will activate VIP privileges on their phone number or email address;
  2. During the VIP validity period, users can freely use software functions and enjoy free online technical support services;
  3. Users can use the software on any computer through a VIP account, but one account can only be used on one computer at a time;
  4. For personal use only, it is not allowed to rent, sell, or engage in other profit-making activities using the account. If there is any related abuse, we have the right to unilaterally suspend or prohibit the relevant functions of the account.
  5. Purchase PC package, only PC users can obtain membership permissions and use the software on the PC; Purchasing a mobile package is limited to obtaining membership privileges and using it on the mobile end.
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Reference price: {{ random.sku_info.price }}
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