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Home Overview IDjpg Ai image to 3D cartoon animation and other art segmentation tool software
IDjpg Ai image to 3D cartoon animation and other art segmentation tool software
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IDjpg Ai image to 3D cartoon animation and other art segmentation tool software
Through AI model empowerment, your photos can be transformed into 3D, cartoon, line draft, animation, film and other infinite artistic styles, opening your instant universe.
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Use this year's latest AI model to enable, transform your photos into 3D, cartoon, line draft, animation, film and other infinite artistic styles, and open your instant universe

What is the principle of IDjpg.com?

Use this year's latest AI model to enable, transform your photos into 3D, cartoon, line draft, animation, film and other infinite artistic styles, and open your instant universe.

How to use it?

First, select a photo containing a face, then choose the style you want (or customize the style), and finally fill in the prompt words such as "a girl" or "a boy". Then click to generate the image.

How to achieve the best results?

The face must be moderate, and a bust is the best; If the results are not very similar, you can increase the similarity in the advanced settings, otherwise you can reduce it.

Multiple individuals with incomplete faces or limbs and long necks?

If the face is too small, the image can be cropped to make the face account for more than one-third of the image. The face must be greater than 400px.

Processing speed?

A picture takes approximately 40-60 seconds.

How to handle the uploaded images and processing results IDjpg?

Once processed, delete immediately and your data will not be saved anywhere.

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