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Home Overview OmniPlayer Mac Apple Universal Video Player Software
OmniPlayer Mac Apple Universal Video Player Software
OmniPlayer Mac Apple Universal Video Player Software
A multimedia player that supports almost all audio and video formats on macOS. It has powerful functions and a simple and modern design. It can easily play various 4K/1080P/720P high-definition videos, regular audio, and lossless audio through hardware decoding. At the same time, you can also easily control and adjust playback progress/playlists/video graphics/audio tracks/subtitles/screenshots, etc. through its rich functions.
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OmniPlayer Mac Versatile Video Player

OmniPlayer for Mac is a multimedia player that supports almost all audio and video formats on macOS. It has powerful functions and a simple and modern design. It can easily play various 4K/1080P/720P high-definition videos, regular audio, and lossless audio through hardware decoding. At the same time, you can also easily control and adjust playback progress/playlists/video graphics/audio tracks/subtitles/screenshots, etc. through its rich functions.

major function

  • Easy to use playback control (supports almost all formats)

Can play almost all formats of local and remote server audio and video (samba/FTP protocol). For example, mp4, mkv, rmvb, rm, avi, mov, wmv, flv, webm, mp3, wmv, wav, ape, flac, srt, ass, ssa, etc. Support pause/resume/fast forward/rewind/jump to the specified playback time. Supports playback at speeds ranging from 0.25x to 4x.

  • Online subtitle matching download

Watching American dramas, British dramas, Japanese dramas, Spanish dramas, and various supernatural dramas, the most necessary thing is subtitles. Automatic online subtitle search and download saves you the trouble of finding subtitles.

  • TV projection, watching movies on a large screen

At present, the market supports the most comprehensive projection player, smart TVs that support various DLNA protocols, mainstream brands such as Samsung, Xiaomi, LG, Sony, etc., as well as Chromecast series devices, Xbox game consoles, and even Roku TVs. With this niche brand, overseas students can try Roku TVs.

  • Comprehensive real-time video adjustment

Size, playback speed, contrast, audio tracks, subtitle switching, and various comprehensive real-time video screen adjustments

  • Listening to music is also good

Listening to music is also a good choice, with various music adjustments and even faster playback

  • Screenshot, gif, record video

Screenshots can quickly generate multiple screenshots, GIF supports up to 60 seconds of video, and high-definition capture of video recording

  • Play YouTube and Vimbe videos directly

Play YouTube directly, Vimbe videos directly, go to ads, remember the playback progress, play faster, and browse online videos anytime, anywhere.

Supported formats:

Video:mkv, rmvb, rm, avi, mov, wmv, flv, f4v, f4p, f4a, f4b, swf, mpg, mpeg, mpeg1, mpeg2, m1v, m2v, mpv, mp4, mpeg4, m4v, 3gp, 3gpp, 3g2, 3gp2, m2p, ps, ts, m2ts, mts, mt2s, ogm, ogv, divx, dv, asf, wtv, webm, m3u, m3u8 etc.

Audio:flac, ape, m2a, mp1, mp2, mpa, mp3, mpg3, m4a, m4b, wma, wav, wv, xm, aiff, aif, ac3, a52, aac, opus, ogg, oga, mid, midi, mka etc.

subtitle:ass, ssa, srt, idx & su

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