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Home Overview Start11 2.0 custom start menu and taskbar tool software
Start11 Customize Start Menu and taskbar Tools
No. 1663 Scenes
Start11 2.0 custom start menu and taskbar tool software
Start11 2.0 is a classic version that replaces the start menu. Choose from multiple styles, such as Windows 7, Windows 10, or modern adaptations of these classic menus, making it feel refreshing. Unleash a more powerful and integrated search experience, allowing you to focus on your content.





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Price guessing rules:
1、Validity period of this price guess 2025-03-14 09:47:00 ~ 2025-03-14 15:47:00。
2、Guess the place 1 item。
3、Deduction required for each guess 10 Points。
4、The guess price is 2x.x6 CNY,The value of x is the digits 0 to 9.
5、"There is no limit to the number of times each person can guess the price. Once they have guessed the price, they can create and pay the order at this price. Overdue pricing is considered a waiver.".
6、After the end of each period, the user's guess price will be displayed in the historical guess price column, and if no one guesses, the flow guess will be displayed.
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{{item}} ({{guess.currentOrdersNum}}) ({{app.qa.questionsData.total}})

Customize the Start Menu and taskbar in Windows 10/11

Returning to Classics

Replace the start menu with a classic version. Choose from multiple styles, such as Windows 7, Windows 10, or modern adaptations of these classic menus, making them feel refreshing.

increase of efficiency

Restore features missing from previous versions of Windows, such as moving the taskbar to the top of the display or the Windows 10 style taskbar context menu.

Release a more powerful and integrated search experience, allowing you to focus on your content.


Use powerful customization options to match your start menu with your personality, allowing you to change styles, colors, transparency, shortcut links, rounded or square corners, and more.

Control the taskbar by adjusting its size, color, and blur to match your personalized start menu.


Fully control your Start button by moving it to the center or left, moving it to the top of the screen, or changing the way the Start button responds to clicks, buttons, etc.

Change the icon grid style to find the correct configuration for your workflow - keep it compact for minimalism or separate it for easier touch input.

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